The Wynhurst Group is committed to staying abreast of best practices in leadership development, team, and individual effectiveness. Our extensive certifications and qualifications are listed below.
- Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
The Professional Certified Coach credential is for the proven coach with at least 750 hours of client coaching experience.
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)®
The MBTI is a world-renowned instrument that measures a person’s preferences, using four basic scales with opposite poles. The end result identifies potential patterns for cooperation and conflict among staff, showing people ways to work together to improve productivity and performance. The MBTI can be used as part of leadership development, team building, or other kinds of development programs. Approximately two million people a year take the MBTI.
A personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork, and communication, DISC is non-judgmental and helps people discuss their behavioral differences.
- Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) 360° Assessment Suite
360º feedback is a method of systematically collecting opinions about an individual’s performance from a variety of sources. These sources could include manager(s), peers, direct reports, and people outside of the organization such as customers or suppliers. The benefit of collecting data in this way is that individuals get to see a panorama of perceptions rather than just that of their manager or themselves. 360º feedback can be used as part of a leadership development program and for individual and/or team effectiveness.
- Voices®
Lominger’s 360° feedback instrument is based on the 67 Competencies and 19 Career Stallers and Stoppers of Lominger’s Leadership Architect. This in-depth instrument provides leaders with data that confirm their strengths and identify their most pressing development needs. This instrument can be used as part of a leadership development program and/or individual leadership effectiveness.
- The Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI)
The ESCI is a multi-rater tool designed to assess emotional intelligence (self awareness, social awareness, self management, and relationship management). Based on an assessment from the individual leader, manager, peers, direct reports, and/or clients, this instrument can be used as part of a leadership development program and/or individual and team effectiveness.
- World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) Certified Action Learning Coach
Business Week named Action Learning (AL) the problem-solving tool of 2005. Action Learning solves dilemmas of all sizes, and is particularly effective with complex problems that may appear unsolvable. It elevates the norms, the collaboration, the creativity, and the courage of groups that solve problems of great urgency to the organization. With the help of an Action Learning Coach, participants become effective leaders as they solve difficult business problems.
- Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model
This model provides team leaders and members with a clear framework for developing teams and managing the dynamics that create successful teams, creating a springboard for high performance. It also allows teams to identify and address blocks to achieving high performance. This model is exceptionally effective as part of a new team start-up exercise and/or enhancing team effectiveness during a teambuilding/retreat event.
- The Leadership Circle Profile
The Leadership Circle Profile helps leaders understand the relationship between how they habitually think, how they behave, and, more importantly, how all this impacts their current level of leadership effectiveness. Once this awareness is established, leadership development can proceed. Without it, change rarely happens.
Ilona has an excellent combination of honesty, business acumen, and the ability to give very actionable feedback.
Andrew Goldsmith, Vice President, Global Marketing Rapiscan Systems, Inc.